

I follow three methodologies  – each fully adaptable to individual needs.

The Values Based Fulfillment Coaching helps a client discover his or her life purpose, values and unique skills. Using these the client defines what could be achieved during the coaching engagement. These are taken up during the conversation during coaching sessions. More


The Hexa Performance Coaching methodology is based on the fact that all human performance is determined by six enabling sets – Goal, Mind, Knowledge, Skill, Resource & Style. The Hexa-Performance Coaching process explores and grows these sets in a holistic manner. It treats them as non linear interconnected sets that grow in tandem. The coaching conversations, in this approach, keep moving back and forth across the sets in sync with client situations. More …


The Goal Based Leadership Coaching identifies leadership needs based on Leadership Lifeline Interviews and / or psychometric tools. Strategies and Actions for these goals are defined and during the coaching engagement the client is encouraged to work on beliefs and skills which are needed to be altered in order to meet these goals.

Each methodology can borrow from the others as needed. Normal engagement run over six months with a minimum twelve to eighteen hours of coaching conversations.